Exciting, New Pass Times

My constant strive to make every website I create responsive is always getting more innovative and exciting. I have recently begun learning Twitter Bootstrap and I think it is pretty much amazing. The ease of use and all the preprogrammed CSS is like starting a test that already has all the right answers filled in. All I have to provide to Twitter Bootstrap is the idea, the content, and a dash of customization and then bam it’s not only done but it’s responsive. Another program that I am excited for is Edge Reflow. Adobe recently released the preview version of Edge Reflow to the public and just the little bit I have been able to play around with has me excited for the future of this program. It makes designing a responsive website quite easy but I am a little worried about the lack of my security blanket, aka HTML and CSS code, so hopefully it will be included in the future versions. These programs are making the future look very bright and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Twitter Bootstrap: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
Adobe Edge Reflow: http://html.adobe.com/edge/reflow/